Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Korean War facts

  • Chiang Kai-shek led the nationalist party to Taiwan, after they lost to Mao Zedong and the communists.
  • USSR controlled korea north of the 38th parallel.
  • Ike promised to end the war as soon as possible and negotiated with the USSR and privately warned the that he would use nuclear weapons.
  • China entered war when the US had gotten almost to the Korean-Chinese border.
  • Douglass McArthur was in charge of all UN forces.
  • Douglass MacArthur was fired because he wanted to bomb china to stop their involvement, but Truman didn't approve and thought it would cause world war, so MacArthur was fired.
  • War was very unpopular and Truman didn't run for president again. Ike was elected
  • War was never declared by either sides.
  • Cease fired ended fighting and war ended in stalemate.
  • Americans were upset about war, because it solved nothing.

1 comment:


A decent list, Tommy - nice job!