Monday, May 14, 2007

Has MLK's dream been realized?-Labor

I found that african americans have lower percentages in every labor statistic than whites, except for unemployment. The labor participation rate in 2004 was the lowest it had been in since 1980. on the other hand, the projected rate for 2012 is an all time high. also in 2012 hispanics, asians, and blacks are projected to have higher participation percentages as whites, but the white labor force is still larger than those three ethnic groups combined. the only occupation that blacks were clearly more was mailmen and recyclable material collectors. the unemployment rates for african americans were also very high at 8.1, but only 3.9 for white workers. numbers have steadily been going down though. I don't think that labor is a major issuse for blacks because the total numbers are much high for whites, but the percentages are in the same ballpark. I also think that because all the numbers are improving. the only suggestions that would be reasonable is to make more people get jobs.

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