Monday, May 21, 2007

A Dubious Crusade by James A. Warren
2 pages - complete by Tuesday May 22

Look up both words in the title of the short essay. What do they mean?
dubious-hesitating crusade- organized campaign concerning a political, social, or religious issue.
Relate the title to the reading. What is Warren saying? How do you think this will relate to the rest of our study if Vietnam?
He is saying that the government was hesitant during the war. The hesitant part will play a large role in our study because many citizens were unsupportive of the war and thought that our government was bad.

History by Thuong Vuong-Riddick
2 pages - complete by Tuesday May 22

What is the overall theme of Vuong-Riddick's poem?
His theme is that the control of Vietnam changed many times from country to country. Another theme is that once a country helped the other they killed that country.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution … by Goldberg
What is the main thesis of the essay?
-That the Gulf of Tonkin, where a US ship was shot at, might have been a lie.
What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
-A US navy ship was shot at and Lyndon Johnson wanted to protect the ship and other ones there.
What evidence does the author give to support his thesis?
-The president wasn't under oath when he said it, the ship had no damage, and the congress was forced into supporting Johnson.
How does this link to the theme of the first reading, “A Dubious Crusade”?
-That some people were hesitant in making the decision to protect US ships in the Gulf.

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